Hôtel "La Beauze"

14 avenue de la République 23200 Aubusson
14 avenue de la République 23200 Aubusson
Welcome to Hotel “La Beauze” in the green heart of France. Here, in Creuse (Limousin), you will find peace, space and unspoilt nature.
Our hotel, a characteristic 19th century “Maison de Maître” (“The Master’s House”) in the historical heart of Aubusson, is named after a small stream that flows behind the hotel. The hotel offers space and privacy. Our rooms are modern and comfortable and we pay a great deal of attention to looking after our guests’ each and every need.
We are open all year and we look forward to looking after you in “la France profonde”, the original and unspoilt France. All our rooms overlook the hotel's garden.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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