Hôtel de la Porte Saint-Malo

35 Rue Saint-Malo 22100 Dinan
35 Rue Saint-Malo 22100 Dinan
Just a few yards from the St Malo gate and the ramparts, close to the heart of medieval Dinan, the Hotel de la Porte Saint-Malo harks back to another age, being constructed from five traditional stone houses, in one of the most ancient districts of the town. Stephanie and Laurent make you welcome in a cosy atmosphere accentuated by the family furnishings and a crackling log fire on cool evenings. In the lounge comfortable sofas and armchairs await. Come in and sip a glass of wine before the authentic fireplace in sculpted granite. In the evening a small sheltered garden facing west is the ideal spot to relax and watch the sun go down through the camelias and hortensias.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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