Hôtel de l'Ecluse n° 79

2, Chemin de Ronde 89160 Chassignelles
2, Chemin de Ronde 89160 Chassignelles
This establishment is located opposite the Burgundy canal and at the foot of lock n° 79. The river Armançon, parallel to the Burgundy canal is 200 meters away, and between the canal and the river, a wooded area with a playground for children, tables and benches for parents. All the rooms are personalized; bathrooms equipped with shower or bathtub with thermostatic taps and hair dryer. The toilets are separate from the bathrooms, which adds to the comfort. One room on the ground floor is equipped to accommodate disabled guests. All the staff of the establishment is at your disposal to ensure that you have a pleasant stay.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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