Hôtel Birgit Le Havre centre

86 fully renovated rooms with bath or shower, equipped with LCD screen with a wide choice of TV channels. Free Wi-Fi access.
In the morning, you will find a full and varied breakfast with homemade and local products in the form of a buffet.

Discover Le Havre, seaside resort, Norman metropolis, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005, its waterfront, the Malraux museum, the second impressionist museum in France, the architecture of its city center, and one of the most major ports in Europe.

Near the major tourist sites Etretat, Honfleur, the Seine valley. Just opposite the hotel, you can enjoy the Docks Vauban and the Docks baths.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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