Hôtel B & B Arcachon Gujan-Mestras

1 avenue des Loisirs Lot Baton Rouge 33470 Gujan-Mestras
1 avenue des Loisirs Lot Baton Rouge 33470 Gujan-Mestras
Carefully soundproofed, the rooms at the B & B Arcachon Gujan-Mestras hotel ensure a peaceful night's sleep. Quality Bultex bedding, ideal for restful nights! Perfectly equipped, each room has its own private bathroom.
Thanks to our free, unlimited WiFi connection, you'll stay connected during your stay at the B&B Arcachon Gujan-Mestras! With the CANAL+ package, you'll be able to flick between news, sports and cinema channels. The B & B Arcachon Gujan-Mestras hotel offers a wide choice of rooms to suit all types of stay, whether you're a family (4 people), a couple, travelling alone or on business...
Communicating rooms available. On-site catering with home-cooked jars and picnic baskets. Bicycle reception +Boat excursion rentals and sales with UBA.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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