Hôtel Avantici

5 chemin des Matins Calmes 05000 Gap
5 chemin des Matins Calmes 05000 Gap
Great comfort in the heart of a green and flowery garden for an unforgettable stay in the region.
A true haven of peace in a green setting a few minutes from downtown. Our comfortable and spacious rooms offer a view on the sunny terrace or the flowery garden. They are soundproofed and include a flat-screen television with satellite channels and a courtesy tray. In the morning, you can enjoy an all-you-can-eat buffet breakfast with freshly baked pastries, regional and quality products. You can also enjoy the Avantici's bar or dine in our restaurant located 700 meters away to extend the experience...
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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