1 rue de la Floride 44600 Saint-Nazaire
1 rue de la Floride 44600 Saint-Nazaire
Welcome to the Holiday Inn Express Saint Nazaire You will find the best comfort and great hospitality at one of the most convenient locations in Saint Nazaire A great stay and an unforgettable experience are waiting for you.
Just 2 minutes by car from the shipyards and just 1KM from the train station, The Hotel Holiday Inn Express is in a great location for those visiting Saint Nazaire. Nantes Airport within 60 KM.
Meet your colleagues around our bar (opened till 1:AM) and enjoy your favorite drink or our snacking menus with the view on the submarine base. You can also enjoy one of the 7 restaurants around the hotel (within 200 meters).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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