Festival Sud Hotel

115 rue Mourelet 84000 Avignon
115 rue Mourelet 84000 Avignon
Now under new owners, the Festival Sud hotel is undergoing a transformation, moving upmarket and, last May, obtaining a *** rating for its Aqua establishment.

With family, friends or colleagues, the Festival Sud Aqua hotel welcomes you to one of its 34 fully-equipped double rooms, studios or apartments.

Our hotel has also been awarded the "Accueil Vélo" label, and the spirit of cycling is alive and well in our hotel, with its Bike Room in particular! Just a stone's throw from the Via Rhôna and the Massif des Alpilles, you'll find a wide choice of cycling routes.

Festival Sud is the place to be if you're looking for a hotel in Avignon with a swimming pool. Relax by our beautiful south-facing swimming pool, enjoy a large park planted with trees at all hours, and its children's playground, petanque area, barbecue, ... and by chance you may have the opportunity to cross paths with our magnificent Peacock (Arthur) and his magic wheel.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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