2 - 4 Carrefour aux Toiles 53000 Laval
2 - 4 Carrefour aux Toiles 53000 Laval
Once upon a time, the oldest hotel in Laval Center: L'Auberge des Remparts. Located in the heart of the historic district of Laval, this quaint old-fashioned hotel tells a whole story, a whole era, related to our lives and those of our past. Finally a hotel neither overrated nor sanitized nor fashionable. The Auberge des Remparts is a place of charm and conviviality filled with objects of course, but above all emotion (s). Inspired by literature, music, cinema, family memories, it is passionately that Nicolas, Master of the place, has for years, mottled or preserved: furniture, lighting and objects "extra soul" so to create 12 theme rooms that we invite you to discover, live, share. Unusual, poetic, playful hotel, therefore out of the ordinary, it is a safe bet that a single night at the Auberge des Remparts will not be enough to fill all your dreams most inspired and inspiring.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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