Auberge d'Aranc

1 place du Lavoir 01110 Aranc
1 place du Lavoir 01110 Aranc
The Auberge d’Aranc consists of 9 bedrooms that are capable of accommodating between 1 to 6 guests. The hotel is open throughout the year except around Christmas time from December the 21st to January the 12th. The area around the hotel is of great natural beauty with forests and rolling hills and there are plenty of outdoor activities such as cycling, hiking and horse riding in the summer and snowshoeing and skiing in the winter that can be enjoyed nearby. The Auberge d’Arac’s restaurant showcases local produce and old fashioned recipes that are certain to delight the taste buds.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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