Arcanse by Inwood hotels

10 avenue Nelly Deganne 33120 Arcachon
10 avenue Nelly Deganne 33120 Arcachon
Enjoy 100 meters from the beach, 200 meters from the city center and 300 meters from the train station, from a hotel, where everything is provided for your relaxation as for your work. The Arcachon beach hotel has 55 well-equipped rooms in the colors of the Basin with bath or shower.
You will relax by taking advantage of our TV lounge, billiards, fitness room and you will work there with ease thanks to your direct line and your free wifi internet connection.
The convention center is located 100 meters away, the TGV station 350m.
The hotel has been recently renovated for your comfort and has parking and garages, with sockets for recharging electric vehicles.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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