Vacancéole le Relais du Plessis

RÉSIDENCE VACANCÉOLE Route de Thuet - La Coupure du Parc - CHAVEIGNES 37120 Chaveignes
RÉSIDENCE VACANCÉOLE Route de Thuet - La Coupure du Parc - CHAVEIGNES 37120 Chaveignes
Tucked away in the heart of the countryside with 4 hectares, the Relais du Plessis will welcome you for a natural, well-being holiday. You will be staying in a cottage which has been carefully decorated. Our restaurant 'Le Mazarin' will welcome you for a gourmet interlude and you can discover the delicious, local cuisine, thanks to our chef. The natural health spa (323m²) will allow you to discover a wide range of 'well-being' treatments.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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