Hôtel & Résidence Cerise Lannion

7 avenue du Général de Gaulle 22300 Lannion
7 avenue du Général de Gaulle 22300 Lannion
Close to the historic centre of Lannion and the train station, the residence Cerise Lannion offers a warm setting to discover the magnificent landscapes of the Pink Granite Coast as well as quick access to the Pégase activity area.
The hotel offers fully furnished and equipped flats for 1 to 6 people.
It is fully accessible by lift and features an underground car park.
Cerise Lannion features a baby bed, changing mattress, high chair, baby bath and games and books for children.
To get the day off to a good start, a rich buffet breakfast is served.
Cerise Lannion has been awarded the "Accueil Vélo" and "Etape Rando" labels. You will find at your disposal: parking, repair kit, pump, water point to wash the bike, adapted breakfast...
Check-in: 3pm every day of the week.
Check-out: Summer/Winter: 10:30 a.m.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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