78, rue de la Braie 85690 Notre-Dame-de-Monts
78, rue de la Braie 85690 Notre-Dame-de-Monts
Sherwood – the land of Robin Hood…The name perfectly sums up the environment at the heart of which you will find this residence quietly tucked away. With the forest on one side and a path to the ocean on the other, the Domaine Le Sherwood invites you to relax in a calm, friendly atmosphere at the heart of nature.

Originally built by the owner’s grandfather, it was previously a Colonie de Vacances for children. Now his grandson has completely re-designed the site and with careful thinking and planning, has created a warm friendly space where you can imagine yourself elsewhere... Tanzania, Canada, Korea, Morocco, Brazil or India – you can imagine yourself there, with the decoration of each holiday villa carefully matching the country that it represents.

Open all year, this highly original residence, with no traffic onsite, invites you to travel to one of the 16 villas, each with its own unique design and decoration.

The top-quality accommodation is spacious and able to accommodate 1 – 15 people. All villas have their own fully fitted kitchen and a private garden with jacuzzi.

Domaine Le Sherwood is classed as 3-star and is also signed up for the Accueil Vélo scheme providing services for those on cycle tours. They are also part of the "Welcome" quality mark which ensures a welcome for English speaking visitors. Christelle and Eva look forward to welcoming you to The Sherwood and aim to give you a top-quality and unforgettable holiday.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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