The People Hostel Strasbourg

7 rue de la Krutenau 67100 Strasbourg
7 rue de la Krutenau 67100 Strasbourg
In the heart of the trendy and very central district of the Krutenau (600 m. from the cathedral), the young French brand "The People Hostel" has managed to integrate perfectly into a building elected Historic Monument of the city of Strasbourg: the former Tobacco Factory.

In spaces of exceptional dimensions, shaped by the Alsatian culture and brought up to date, our future guests will appreciate the complementarity of our concept. The establishment has a bar/restaurant open to all, offering a varied culinary offer worked with local products (vegetarian, traditional and rotisserie offer). But also lively, modular and equipped spaces that can accommodate all kinds of events: coworking, mice, private cocktail dinners...

In terms of accommodation, here too, The People Hostel innovates and adapts to all its guests: family rooms with all comforts, designer double rooms and shared dormitories, private or not.

See you soon!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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