les chalets du goulet Le Bleymard 48190 Mont Lozère et Goulet
les chalets du goulet Le Bleymard 48190 Mont Lozère et Goulet
At the gateway to the Cévennes National Park, Les Chalets du Goulet is located at an altitude of 1,200 meters on the southern slope of the mountain of the same name. At the edge of the forest of Goulet, between the castle of Tournel and the ski resort of Mont Lozère, Les chalets du Goulet is 2000 meters from an important stage of the Chemin de Stevenson (GR 70). Les Chalets du Goulet dominate the town of Bleymard and offer a majestic view over the Lot valley and Mount Lozère.
In an intimate forest setting, five cottages for five to six people and four for two people await your bookings. All our accommodations have a covered terrace, a bathroom and separate toilet. Our large cottages also consist of two separate rooms and a common room.
Several rental options are available, to satisfy both your desire for hiking and your desire to relax.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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