La P'tite Auberge

897 rue du Bourg 05470 Aiguilles
897 rue du Bourg 05470 Aiguilles
You can take advantage of the free management or, you prefer a half-board, at Joëlle's, the program is à la carte! La P'tite Auberge is located in the heart of the village of Aiguilles, close to the ice fall in winter, not far from the municipal swimming pool in summer, close to the mountain bike rental shop. That's how it is, in Aiguilles, we have everything under the elbow! And then, the P'tite Auberge is a quality accommodation, in a quiet place. The conviviality is of rigor so that you feel like at home. You can have breakfast on the terrace, in the sun or in the living room, inside. It's hard to find a better place!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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