La Moinerie - Bergerie de Villarceaux

Bergerie de Villarceaux 95710 Chaussy
Bergerie de Villarceaux 95710 Chaussy
Our holiday cottages of group and rural, certified holiday cottages 2 ears Holiday cottages of France and Eco-Gîtes will offer you comfort and relaxation in a universe natural 100 %. We 7 rooms of meeting and activities, a capacity from 15 to 110 people, will answer all needs. The Leader and his team will be happy to welcome you to share one moment of relaxation and user-friendliness in a universe Organic 100 %. Essential reservation. The Restaurant of The Sheepfold works exclusively with products stemming from the organic farming by favoring seasonal produce. He values the farm of The Sheepfold. Nearby: green Avenue London-Paris, Vexin and the Valley of Epte. Vexin the West. Car park bike secure Shelter
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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