La Baïta du Loup

56 rue de La Chalp 05350 Saint-Véran
56 rue de La Chalp 05350 Saint-Véran
A part of the house is reserved for hikers. Our gîte d'étape, entirely renovated, can accommodate up to 20 people. It is composed of dormitories (max 8 places) and rooms of 2 persons. Sanitary facilities and toilets are shared. Don't forget to bring your comforter and your towel!

With family or friends, the lounges will allow you to relax in an authentic setting, by the fire, between stones and old larches. Every evening, we will prepare for you delicious dishes mainly made from local and organic products. They will be served in a restaurant room fitted out in the old sheepfold of the house with the still intact Italian vaults.

Don't forget to take your bathing suit to enjoy the sauna!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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