La Fage - 219 rue du Clocher 48000 Saint-Étienne-du-Valdonnez
La Fage - 219 rue du Clocher 48000 Saint-Étienne-du-Valdonnez
Authentic granite building at 1200m altitude, in the heart of a charming little village typical of Mont Lozère, with its tormenting steeple, bread oven, covered fountain. People looking for walks in the countryside, hikers or lovers of hiking and nature lovers will be able to make a rest stop at the lodge stage La Fage. One of the advantages of this cottage is its proximity to natural sites (the site of menhirs, Puechs Bondons ...), hiking trails (the Tower of Mont Lozère, the large draille Margeride ...), and activities with the pond of Barrandon to fish with your family. Nearby: GR68 - GR44 - GR Urban V and many small and large hiking trails. At the dinner table you will taste the products of the farm (Cattle Breeding), or home cooked meats and vegetables from the garden (on reservation). - Sanitary facilities: 3 showers and 2 WC - Kitchen area with fridge hob and utensils - Lounge area
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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