Château de Calmels

The Château de Calmels and its Park dominate Lacaune les Bains, in a region with a strong character, rich in history. Built on the ruins of a medieval castle, this building of the sixteenth century was a hunting lodge. The tower which adjoins the Park served as a merry-go-round for the training of horses. Crenellated originally, it was covered by a conical slate roof. The castle was rebuilt in the nineteenth century in a NeoGothic style by Paulin Naurois Jacobe County. His son Ludovic de Naurois longtime Mayor of Lacaune, he worked for the construction of the railway linking Castres at Murat, created the spa and the casino.

The Château de Calmels is today a group accommodation where you can get together with family, friends, between athletes, co-workers, etc... The Park is home to an arboretum, a fitness trail and is the start of hiking trails in the mountains and forests around. The Castle has a kitchen, a dining hall, several lounges, a business and a tv room. For your feasts, a reception room is available at an additional cost. The Castle has 16 rooms, from 2 to 5 people, beds 90x190cm majority. Collective health. A room with private bathrooms. Possibility breakfast, meals, linen rental...
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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