Centre International de Séjour Le Rocheton

Rue de la Forêt 77000 La Rochette
Rue de la Forêt 77000 La Rochette
Whether you're on your own, with family, friends, an association, a school, a work group, a walker or a climber, whether you're coming as a neighbour or from another continent to relax or to work, the whole team at Le Rocheton is here to welcome you and to meet your needs.

What's more, Le Rocheton is ideally located close to many sites of interest: exceptional residences, the Châteaux of Fontainebleau, Vaux le Vicomte and Blandy les Tours, the medieval town of Provins, museums, theme parks, etc.

Activities :
- A covered and fenced volleyball/tennis/archery pitch with a suitable synthetic surface
- A city stadium (volleyball / mini football / badminton / handball / tennis / basketball) on an adapted synthetic surface
- 4 squash courts are planned for 2017 in collaboration with the French Squash Federation.

Services :
- Tourist breaks (groups or individuals)
- Educational breaks (with a tailor-made programme of activities)
- Room hire for private events
- Seminars and study days
- BAFA training courses

Whatever the nature of your project, the teams at Le Rocheton are here to help make it unforgettable.

(Tourism & Handicap label since April 2019).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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