Route de Florac SAINTE-ENIMIE 48210 Gorges du Tarn Causses
Route de Florac SAINTE-ENIMIE 48210 Gorges du Tarn Causses
The National Center of the French Federation "Sports for All" is particularly dedicated to the discovery of the environment through the practice of sports. Located 1 km from the medieval village of Sainte Enimie and located in the heart of the natural site classified Gorges du Tarn, it welcomes both individuals and families groups: school, holiday center, group of adults ... You have the possibility to be hosted either in a village of paintings type marabouts, or in rooms, this in full board or half-board. Also on the program for all those who love sports holidays a wide choice of outdoor activities supervised by state-certified instructors: - caving - mountain biking and hiking - canoeing - climbing and via ferrata - shooting at bow - orienteering
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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