Auberge de Jeunesse HI Strasbourg 2 Rives

9 rue des Cavaliers 67100 Strasbourg
9 rue des Cavaliers 67100 Strasbourg
Situated on the banks of the Rhine, in the verdant setting of the Jardin des 2 Rives, Strasbourg?s youth hostel "2 Rives" invites you to discover Alsace, greet the storks, and discover the eclectic architecture of this city where travelers play at jumping borders, crossing the Rhine on foot or by bike.

Cycling services - Meals adapted to physical exertion - Relaxation area - Secure bike shelter - Bicycle cleaning equipment and area - Repair kit - Changing rooms - Washing machine available - Luggage storage - Luggage transfer - Room privatization - Tourist documentation - Information on hiking routes

229 beds Rooms from 2 to 5 beds - Overnight stay and breakfast: 28.20 ? / person - Overnight stay and half-board: 43.20 ? / person - Meal basket: 10.20 ? / person - Services included - Multiple room - Sheets and blankets - Private bathroom - Wifi throughout the establishment - Twin room supplement.

Information and reservations: 9 Rue des Cavaliers - 67000 Strasbourg - Tel. 03 88 45 54 20 -

Nearby routes (- 20 km): EuroVelo 5 Via Romea; EuroVelo 15 - Véloroute Rhin; Piste des forts.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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