Yelloh ! Village - Le Village Western

Chemin de Bécassine Le Lac 33990 Hourtin
Chemin de Bécassine Le Lac 33990 Hourtin
Discover a peaceful and harmonious place where you can relax with family or friends. Our original concept camping holiday themed allows you to find in a single location, near the lake and the ocean: manicured campsites, upscale accommodations, traditional or unusual, original games and cultural activities and authentic, a range of modern services and a center of Western Riding and Pony Club recognized: Westerlies. Several types of accommodation to choose from: new mobile homes comfortable, furnished bungalows and teepees. Rental and sales of bicycles. Tex-Mex restaurant, pizzeria with takeaway. Horseback riding with baptism, during or horseback ride.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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