Lodging le lac

30 avenue de la Plage Le Moutchic 33680 Lacanau
30 avenue de la Plage Le Moutchic 33680 Lacanau
Facing the lake and 5 minutes from the ocean, in a calm and magical place, the Lake Lodging guarantees, charm and originality to your accommodation. Loris has given a second life to the traditional camping grandparents and offers from April to November unusual and atypical accommodation. To escape a weekend or relax for longer stays, you can choose between the Sahara, lodges canvas and wood colonial style tents on stilts, houses perched in trees and even cuckoo-cabin and its tunnel wood. The glamor comfort of the outdoor hotel and feel aperitifs and barbecues with family or friends an ideal place in which to live perched housed in a colonial style or more traditional freely.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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