Pâquis des oies 55200 Vignot
Pâquis des oies 55200 Vignot
Enter the magical world of the Village des Fées in Vignot, 2 km from Commercy.
Enjoy unusual accommodation for a night, a weekend or several days. The Fée des Fleurs, the Fée de la Forêt and the Fée de l'Air await you for a stay in their cabins: the kota, the cabane magique and the tinybulle.
For your relaxation, a sauna completes the offer, as well as a dining area in a dedicated cabin and a pétanque court.
For your comfort, linen is provided and beds are made on arrival.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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