L'Orée du Bois by Noricamp

2 allée des Sports et loisirs 64370 Arthez-de-Béarn
2 allée des Sports et loisirs 64370 Arthez-de-Béarn
On the edge of a forest at the foot of Arthez-de-Béarn, a village crossed by the Puy route of the Pilgrim's Way to Santiago de Compostela.
The Arthez campsite offers holidaymakers a quiet, shady and pleasant place to stay. Like a small village, the wooden chalets have all the comforts you need for a zen holiday with family or friends. All the spirit of nature is there for moments of relaxation, sharing and well-being.
In summer, the campsite offers access to the local swimming pool, just 100 m away, and there's plenty of entertainment on offer in a friendly, family atmosphere.
Things to see and do The Caubin chapel, the GR65, the Aurit fishery at Hagetaubin (8km), and numerous walks and cycle rides starting from the campsite.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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