Flower Camping Côté Lac

La Fragnée Plan d'eau de Verruyes 79310 Verruyes
La Fragnée Plan d'eau de Verruyes 79310 Verruyes
Côté Lac is a nature campsite*** located in the heart of a landscaped domain, on the edge of a 7 hectare lake.
Its geographical situation, at the crossroads of great recognized sites (Puy du Fou, Futuroscope, Marais Poitevin and La Rochelle) makes it a real green tourism asset.
Nice campsite in a village of Gâtine at the edge of the lake with supervised bathing in a privileged environment where the days are punctuated at the edge of the water or under a tree with as words of orders relaxation, idleness... A real return to the roots.
Take the time to have a drink in a cosy and colorful atmosphere.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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