Camping USHUAÏA Villages Au Bois Joli

2, route de Villeprenoy 89480 Andryes
2, route de Villeprenoy 89480 Andryes
Philippe, Pascale, Fiona and their team welcome you to a bucolic setting for a holiday in the heart of an oak and hornbeam forest. A change of scenery for families and friends.
Just 2 hours from Paris and Dijon, we're just south of Auxerre (30 minutes), with easy access via the N151. Close to the Morvan Regional Park, Andryes is a commune in the heart of Burgundy, in the department of Yonne. It lies equidistant between Vézelay and Guédelon, to the south of Chablis.
This beautiful region invites tourists to discover its unique cultural, gastronomic and natural heritage.
The campsite is connected to nature with unusual accommodation! Everything on site (grocery shop, restaurant and entertainment)! Sources of freshness (swimming pool from mid-June to mid-September, the Andryes marshes and the Nivernais canal)!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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