Camping Onlycamp Vauban

Porte de Bâle 68600 Neuf-Brisach
Porte de Bâle 68600 Neuf-Brisach
The Onlycamp Vauban campsite welcomes you to a calm, flower-filled natural environment, punctuated by birdsong. The spacious pitches, bordered by natural vegetation, offer an intimate and relaxing setting.
Numerous improvements were carried out in 2024¿: renovation of sanitary blocks, installation of chalets, tiny-house and family tents. The duo tents and relaxation room have been specially designed for cyclo-tourists. The large shaded terrace with its food-truck has been designed for convivial evenings in complete simplicity.
The campsite is just 500 meters from the town center of Neuf-Brisach, one of the major Vauban sites, with direct access via the ramparts for walking or cycling. It's also on the Eurovélo 15, one of the routes for cycling around Alsace.
To continue your visit, a bus links Neuf-Brisach to Colmar, and for the more adventurous, the Europapark theme park is just a 40-minute drive from the campsite.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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