Camping municipal Le Vallon de l'Ehn

1 rue de Berlin 67210 Obernai
1 rue de Berlin 67210 Obernai
At the foot of the Mont Sainte-Odile, the campsite is surrounded by vineyards and fields, an ideal vacation setting for those who love relaxation and nature.

Its location on the wine road, near the main roads of Central Alsace, 25 km from Strasbourg and 50 km from Colmar, makes it easy to explore the tourist sites of the region. The city center, shops and restaurants are 15 minutes away on foot or 5 minutes by bus
150 pitches (120 of which are very comfortable). Service area for motor homes.
The 3 star campsite is certified Quality Tourism, Camping Qualité and Green Key.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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