Camping Médoc Bleu

35 route de Lacanau 33121 Carcans
35 route de Lacanau 33121 Carcans
A camping holiday in the heart of nature! Claire and Michel welcome you to their campsite 3 stars and offer on 4ha of pine forests, spacious pitches, quality rentals: mobile homes with two or three bedrooms with covered terraces or not. Located 5 km from the lake and 10 km from the ocean, this is perfect for quick and easy access to the bike path that takes you to the beaches of the lake and the ocean. Your little family will be glad of the choice of activity proposed. Between the heated pool and paddling pool, a multi-games area, a multi-sports, volleyball area, football: ages spend a great holiday. Not forgetting the classics: petanque, table tennis, foosball, pinball ... As for the animation in July and August, aqua gym, team games, tournaments and of course some great theme nights make you unforgettable memories.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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