Camping Maeva Club Les Préveils

16 avenue Sainte Anne La Grière Plage 85360 La Tranche-sur-Mer
16 avenue Sainte Anne La Grière Plage 85360 La Tranche-sur-Mer
dreaming of it? it's possible at Les Préveils... put your bags down and relax.

Les Préveils is a 4-star campsite located in La Tranche sur Mer, 150 m from the beach with direct access through a pine forest. Our quality standards have led us year after year to constantly improve our establishment in terms of comfort and to offer you all the services you need on site.

The rental park is made up of mobile homes, chalets, ecolodges and recent flats.

In July and August our entertainment team invites you to a variety of daytime activities: Dances, mini-club for children aged 6 to 12, physical and sports activities, step, dance... As for the festive evenings, you'll be in the heart of a large auditorium equipped with a stage where cabarets, café-théâtre and musicals will be performed with top-quality performers, sets and costumes.

At Les Préveils, good humour and togetherness are part of our way of life!

Tourism & Handicap accredited.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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