Camping Les Jardins du Littoral

Allée de Sauviels Le Huga 33680 Lacanau
Allée de Sauviels Le Huga 33680 Lacanau
Vehicle free campsite! Coastal gardens of the campsite, located at the entry of Lacanau Ocean to Huga. Far from the summer crowds, bike, you are 10 minutes from the ocean and 5 minutes from the lake! Locations tents, caravans or mobile men, you can live the campsite that suits you! While the children enjoy table tennis or air game, enjoy a swim in the heated pool or simply enjoy the time passing ... What is love? Common barbecue, ideal for socializing! Being in the heart of the forest!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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