Camping Le Mouliat

407 route des menteurs 47600 Moncrabeau
407 route des menteurs 47600 Moncrabeau
In 2010, we will be ready, like every year, to welcome you on 3.5 tree-shaded hectars on the edge of the Baïse. Come to profit by the calm in deep countryside, in the family and convivial atmosphere that characterizes too well le Mouliat ! During these hard periods, the campsite proposes prices among the lowest.
Le Mouliat still suggests activities such as lively evening-danses on Mondays and Thursdays, game for children, the swimming pool and a large range of facilities available to campers.
For more friendliness, the campsite is now represented on Facebook. Ask it as friend, share your photos and keep informed of current events.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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