Camping Le Cadoret

Boulevard de Chaterny 17450 Fouras
Boulevard de Chaterny 17450 Fouras
In a quiet and family environment, 800 m from the city centre and 50 m from one of the 5 sandy beaches, Camping Le Cadoret*** welcomes you to a 7.5 hectare wooded park. It offers the benefit of a number of shady sites to choose from, some are more airy and others more sunny and facing the sea. They are clearly delimited, flat and grassy for the maximum comfort of all our campers. We offer many activities and plenty of entertainment both during the day and in the evening (swimming pool, sports ground, pétanque, games and competitions, live music and dancing, children's shows…), and many services.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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