Camping Le Brochet

88 Rue Georges Clémenceau 80200 Péronne
88 Rue Georges Clémenceau 80200 Péronne
The municipal campsite Le Brochet is located in Péronne in the Haute Somme, in Picardy, 1 hour from Amiens, 1h30 from Lille, 2h30 from Paris and Brussels, 5 hours from London, Amsterdam and Frankfurt. Where, lovers of Nature and History will find calm and serenity for their holidays. It is located at the edge of the Pike Pond and the city centre. For your nights, weekends and holidays, discover us! We offer 20 pitches and 7 Mobile Home rentals, where relaxation is a must. For your aquatic leisure, you benefit from a swimming pool at 200 m and we have recently installed a fitness and leisure room
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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