26 rue de la Creusière 85690 Notre-Dame-de-Monts
26 rue de la Creusière 85690 Notre-Dame-de-Monts
Le Bois Collin campsite, with its 55 pitches, offers a friendly, peaceful atmosphere between sea and marsh.

Ideal for weekends away or holidays with family or friends, it offers mobile home rentals and pitches for tents, caravans and motorhomes.

Close to cycle paths, footpaths, shops and the beach, it caters for the needs of nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Cyclists benefit from attractive rates. Hikers will appreciate the proximity of signposted footpaths and circuits.

Nearby attractions include Kulmino, Biotopia and Le Daviaud. The campsite encourages environmentally-friendly holidays.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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