Camping La Safrière

82 Route départementale 140 Morlay 80860 Ponthoile
82 Route départementale 140 Morlay 80860 Ponthoile
2 steps from the Baie de Somme, in a small village, Morlay-Ponthoile, typical of the Marquenterre region, this landscaped campsite, located between Saint Valery sur Somme and Le Crotoy, offers great peace and quiet. Nathalie and François offer spacious, delimited and comfortable pitches for mobile homes, tents or caravans, as well as weekend or week-long rentals for 2 to 6 people. In a family atmosphere, you can fish in the many rivers and ponds, follow the hiking trails and cycle along the cycle path in front of the campsite (circuit du Héron). Morlay and its new train station are just 1 km away, and you can take the Baie de Somme steam train for a tour of the bay. The campsite is just 500 m from this magical place. Label Clef Verte, Qualité Tourisme, Baie de Somme Zéro Carbone, Refuge LPO, Recommended by the Guide du Routard. Free Wifi zone.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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