Camping l'Arize

Route de Nescus 09240 La Bastide-de-Sérou
Route de Nescus 09240 La Bastide-de-Sérou
This family-run campsite offers accommodation in chalets, mobile homes and Mobitoiles (canvas mobile homes without sanitary facilities), so there's something for everyone.
In the surrounding area, you'll find prehistoric caves, Cathar castles, an underground river, a reptile farm, a forest for exploring time and other animal sites, as well as all kinds of outdoor sports (caving, canyoning, rafting, paddle...) 700 m from the campsite starts the 42 km Foix - Saint Girons greenway, which you can cycle, walk or ride on horseback with the equestrian center right next door!
In summer, there's plenty of entertainment on offer: kids' club, themed evenings, concerts, night-time swimming, pétanque and lots of fun. Restaurant, bakery and bar (July and August).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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