Camping Huttopia Les Châteaux

131 impasse des guernazelles 41250 Bracieux
131 impasse des guernazelles 41250 Bracieux
Located in Bracieux, 8 km from Chambord castle, the Châteaux Campsite offers a stunning 8 hectare natural site, which is bordered by two rivers, the Bief and the Beuvron. To stay here you can set up camp on one of the 286 spacious pitches or choose from our range of comfortable rental accommodation (mobile-homes, chalets, gipsy caravans, or Wood&Canvas tents) for a stay in the heart of a beautiful park. You can make the most of the facilities in the new central lodge with its library corner, and its café-restaurant that serves drinks, salads and homemade pizzas. The site also has comfortable shower blocks, a children’s playground, a swimming pool and a friendly activity and discovery programme.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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