Camping Forest View

l'espérance 61110 Rémalard en Perche
l'espérance 61110 Rémalard en Perche
A beautiful campsite, only 3 km from Remalard, next to the Saussay forest. 23 pitches for Camping Cars, Caravans and Tents, around a lovely pond and in the nearby meadow. Restaurant & bar on site. Minimum stay 2 nights. Interesting discounts for longer stays.
Forest View respects the conditions in place to protect the health and safety of their campers:
Wearing face masks in public areas
Social distancing measures and signage, including the restaurant
Hand disinfection stations at the entrance to buildings and sanitary facilities
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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