Camping Flower de la Corniche

Quartier Haicabia Route de la Corniche - Chemin Antziola 64122 Urrugne
Quartier Haicabia Route de la Corniche - Chemin Antziola 64122 Urrugne
Family campsite located between Hendaye and St Jean de Luz at 150 m from the ocean.
A warm welcome awaits you as well as a multitude of infrastructures and services to stay smart on the Basque coast. There is a large heated and covered swimming pool, a bowling alley for petanque lovers, a children's playground with a swing and a slide as well as a multi-sports field, table tennis and a fronton. Finally, you will find a laundry with washing machine and dryer which will make your life easier, refrigerators for rent and a bar-restaurant with a covered terrace (pizzas and take-away meals) as well as a grocery store and a bread deposit. Access to the beaches with a shuttle every 30 minutes (in July/August).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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