Camping Eurosol

4259 route de la Plage Saint Girons Plage 40560 Vielle-Saint-Girons
4259 route de la Plage Saint Girons Plage 40560 Vielle-Saint-Girons
It is 700 m from one of the most beautiful beaches of the Atlantic and in the shade of the Landes forest that the former international and rugby commentator Pierre ALBALADEJO welcomes you to his Eurosol Campsite-Club ****: a natural setting and a family atmosphere, friendly and relaxing for an unforgettable and carefree stay.
In a tent, caravan or camper van on our spacious pitches, or rather in a chalet, mobile home or original Lodge tent: choose the accommodation that suits you. Come and relax, because at Eurosol, the whole family is on holiday!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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