2645 Route du Lac de Saint-Ferréol Saint-Ferréol 31250 Vaudreuille
2645 Route du Lac de Saint-Ferréol Saint-Ferréol 31250 Vaudreuille
En Salvan is a family campsite on a human scale, located in the Pays de Cocagne, bordered by Albi, Toulouse and Carcassonne, cities classified as major sites in Occitania. En Salvan is ideally located, less than 800 m from the St Ferréol Lake, a UNESCO world heritage site, allowing you to make many excursions in our beautiful region. You can stay here from mid-April to the end of October on our camping pitches or rental pitches (mobile homes or chalets) in a peaceful and wooded setting of 7 hectares. For your leisure, the campsite is equipped with a summer swimming pool with paddling pool, a bowling green and sports fields. During the season, entertainment for young and old is organised. Our team will be delighted to welcome you in this natural and enchanting setting.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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