Chemin de la Pergue 31250 Revel
Chemin de la Pergue 31250 Revel
Holidaymakers will be able to take full advantage of public services and an exceptional natural environment in peace and comfort : close to the town centre, at the foot of the Montagne Noire, on the banks of Rigole river, 2 km from Saint-Ferréol lake, the reservoir for the Canal du Midi and a World Heritage site, and a stone throw from the municipal swimming pool and sports facilities.

All these natural riches and the culture of Occitanie will ensure you enjoy your holiday here, whether you're looking for peace and quiet, relaxation, walks, hikes or sports of all kinds.

The campsite also has a snack bar and a 16-bed dormitory (for pilgrims). Meeting room for hire (capacity 40 people).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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