Camping du Clos imbert

13 rue de la Grande Côte de Crevant 79100 Thouars
13 rue de la Grande Côte de Crevant 79100 Thouars
Relax in Thouarsais .... Enjoy the tranquility of the place, and enjoy nature in this campsite located by the river. Many shady pitches, bathroom block, accessible to people with reduced mobility, tent rental ... Many services are available. Near the city center of Thouars, City of Art and History, and its shops (weekly markets on Tuesdays and Fridays), the campsite is labeled Accueil Vélo (on the itinerary Le Thouet by bike, section of the VéloFrancette ®) Leisure nearby: canoeing, water sports, fishing, hiking, golf ... Motorhome area within the campsite with a daily fee. **** Info: diversion until July 24th, access is via the promenade of Pommiers (see visual) ****
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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