Camping du Canal

17 rue Paul Bader 68680 Kembs
17 rue Paul Bader 68680 Kembs
The owners of the campsite warmly welcome you throughout the summer period in the heart of the Three Countries Region

Situated on the banks of Eurovélo 6 and 15 and the Huningue canal, the canal campsite is ideal for cycling while discovering the Petite Camargue Alsacienne, the Île du Rhin or the Hardt forest

At the end of the day, cool off in the campsite's lagoon swimming pool on hot summer days. Then relax on the terrace of the snack bar, sipping a cold drink, enjoying a snack (hamburger, panini, pizza...) or an ice cream.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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