Camping à la Ferme sous les Poiriers

La Touche 61700 Domfront en Poiraie
La Touche 61700 Domfront en Poiraie
We can accommodate 6 tents or 20 people
Dry toilets are installed for your comfort, you also have access to the sanitary facilities (shower, washbasin, equipped kitchenette).
You have the possibility to buy organic and local products at the farm: flour, milk, cheese, eggs, cider, perry, apple and pear juice, honey... We also propose to serve you an organic and farm breakfast for 7.5€ per person.
The campsite is installed in the orchard, on 3 000m2, shaded by big trees (pear trees, centenary apple trees) on the course of the Véloscénie and the Vélofrancette.
The whole area is disinfected several times a day.
Barrier gestures are respected (physical distancing, wearing a mask)
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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